It’s Groundhog Day! We are sunny and 10 degrees so you know what that means…. But that’s OK, I’m nice and toasty in my office working. This week we are talking tools, and today I want to share some of my favorites for promoting your course on social media. First,
Julie Hood
Promote Your Course in 5 Easy Steps
By Julie Hood Every single one of us needs to be building our community – yes, even if you don’t have your course done yet. When you build your community now, then you can introduce your brand-new course to a ready-made audience who already knows who you are and why
Lead Magnet Templates – for FREE (ends soon)
Don’t you just love it when you find the best goodies and you want to share it with everyone you know? Especially this time of year! Today let’s talk about “Lead Magnets” also known as freebies, freemiums or opt-in bribes. I like “lead magnet” because they are designed to “attract
Eight Secrets for the Perfect Webinar to Sell Your Course
By Julie Hood A webinar gives you an easy way to get to know your potential students – and help them get to know you and trust what you have to share. During the Teachable Summit, Alanna Kayvalya explained exactly how she uses her webinar to introduce students to her