
    5 Tools to Expand Your 2020 Vision

    By Julie Hood

    A new decade! Wow that one disappeared on me fast. You too?

    If I’m really honest, I don’t remember what my goals were for January 1, 2010. 

    I’m determined that this decade will have a bit more long-term focus – and less of the “can-I-just-get-through-this-week” moments.

    My last decade was all about raising kiddos. My son and daughter went from ages 12 to 22 and 8 to 18, and so the decade is a blur of sports, school and laundry – with just a little bit of business growth happening in the spare moments. 

    But this new decade? It’s opened up with so much more time, and I really want to be intentional about where these 10 years are going.

    On January 1, 2030, I want to be able to look back at what I’m planning today, and know that I pursued some very specific goals. 

    So today, I’m sharing my process so it can be helpful for you, too.

    Every year I test out a new tool or technique to help me plan. Then a few things stay with me, but I get some new energy for the clean slate of the new year. 

    I give myself permission to change it up each year. Here are some ideas to make your 2020 vision even clearer. 

    Tool #1: The Fresh Start Business Workbook

    This year I bought the spiral-bound version of this workbook and I really, really like it. It’s not a daily planner. It’s a brainstorming and tracking framework for your business. 

    The workbook takes you through some exercises to help you focus your year, and then evaluate quarterly and monthly to see how you are doing. 

    Check it out here. 

    Tool #2: The Atomic Habits Podcast

    Don’t you just love it when someone else figures out the difficult part for you and then just gives you the answer? That’s what this podcast episode does.

    Guest James Clear explains exactly what it takes to create new habits in your life. 

    And he even shares how you can use his four steps to turn your courses into habits for your students. 

    Listen to the podcast here to create new habits for 2020.(The Atomic Habits book is definitely on my 2020 reading list too.)

    Tool #3: The CCHQ 2020 Content Scheduling Calendar

    I had my team create a special 2020 calendar for you. It has a yearly, quarterly and monthly calendars you can print with some of my favorite quotes. 

    My favorite part of this calendar is using the quarterly pages to lay out what you will accomplish each quarter. 

    A year sometimes feels too big, and a month doesn’t feel like enough time. But a quarter is “just right” for laying out a larger project. 

    Grab your copy here and feel free to share it with your friends and in your Facebook groups.

    Tool #4: My Phrase for the Year

    Most people like to pick a Word for the year, but I really wanted a phrase for this year. 

    I found this neat letter board that I can post on the wall over my desk to remind me of my 2020 vision. 

    It has clips to hold photos but I am using them to hold my yearly, quarterly and monthly goals. 

    This board isn’t exactly the same, but you could use it to create your own vision board over your desk. 

    Tool #5: What Could Get in Your Way?

    My coach asked me this question once I had pulled together some notes on what I wanted in 2020: What could get in your way?

    So I spent a few minutes thinking of some of the things that could derail me – along with a strategy for dealing with each of them. 

    What a brilliant idea! This way you can stay motivated and get back up even when something gets in your way. 

    By having some solutions prepare ahead of time, and knowing what you are going to do, you will save yourself so much frustration. 

    What’s Your 2020 Vision? 

    Pick one or two of these tools and jump in to have your best year (and decade!) ever!

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