
    Lead Magnet Templates – for FREE (ends soon)

    Don’t you just love it when you find the best goodies and you want to share it with everyone you know? Especially this time of year!

    Today let’s talk about “Lead Magnets” also known as freebies, freemiums or opt-in bribes. I like “lead magnet” because they are designed to “attract your perfect lead to your course.”

    One of my favorite companies is giving away gorgeous lead magnet templates in Powerpoint and Keynote – for FREE – as part of their 12 Days of freebies promotion. You can just fill in the blanks on these templates and have a new lead magnet created in just a few minutes.

    So click here right now to sign up for their 12 Days promotion. Then scroll down to Day 4 and download the video and the templates (heads up -this is a big file.)

    I have something special planned for us in January using these templates so please get them now while you can.

    Your lead magnet needs to do a few things:

    • Provide a solution quickly for your reader. It may not be a big transformation (that’s for your course) but you need to share something they can use right now to solve a problem.
    • Be easily digested (whether it’s a list, a video, or a report). You want something that your new subscriber can click on, absorb and apply in just a few minutes.
    • And gold stars if it’s something they can print and post, with your domain printed on it, of course!

    As an example, let’s use the notes I shared from the Teachable Summit (I took notes on the speakers and then shared them with action steps).

    The notes provided a solution quickly. You could download the notes in a couple minutes and then you didn’t have to take your own notes while you watched the replays.

    They were easily digested. There wasn’t anything complicated about using them, and it wasn’t time-consuming.

    And they were printable and each page had my domain name listed.

    I’ll be honest with you – finding a really good idea for your lead magnet isn’t always easy. But these forms will help.

    You can create a one-page, printable “Resource Guide” in no time flat. Use it to recommend:

    • Top tools for your subscriber.
    • Best books to read.
    • Top 5 websites for your industry (and be sure to include your own website in that list!)
    • Best courses to improve your _____ (another place to list your course).
    • Or any other list of 5 things that would be really helpful for your reader.

    One of the secrets to being a successful course creator is you are constantly building your email list of new potential prospects. In fact, my goal is to create a new lead magnet or work on a course every week to share. And on the weeks when I am really, really busy, I’ll definitely be using these one-page resource guides.

    Now Take Action…

    I want you to click here right now to sign up for the 12 Days promotion. Then scroll down to Day 4 and download the video and the templates (heads up – this is a big file.)

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