
    Eight Secrets for the Perfect Webinar to Sell Your Course

    By Julie Hood

    A webinar gives you an easy way to get to know your potential students – and help them get to know you and trust what you have to share.

    During the Teachable Summit, Alanna Kayvalya explained exactly how she uses her webinar to introduce students to her school (and walk them through exactly how it works).

    1. Determine Your Goal for the Webinar – What do you want the audience to do after watching the webinar? If you are building your list and reputation, you may have just a training webinar with no offer to buy. If you want them to buy your course, you’ll want to make an offer along the way.

    2. Define Your Audience and Topic – Next, you need to define your audience. Exactly who are they? What are their desires, fears and needs? Once you understand “your person,” that perfect person to join your community and take one of your courses, it will be easier to put your webinar together. What mini-transformation will you provide during the webinar? What can you share that will be new and unique for them?

    3. Choose the Technology You Like – Test out different webinar services to find out which will work best for you. Everyone needs and wants different systems and features for their webinar software. Some people need a service that allows screen sharing; other people need to just share slides or just talk over the phone.  If you are just talking on the phone with or without slides, I really like EasyTeleseminarSoftware.com. If you would like to share your screen or use video, you can integrate YouTube Livestream into your Teachable school (more info on how to do that here).

    4. Set Deadlines – Once you know your goal, the audience, the topic and what technology, set a date for your webinar. Using that date, work your way backwards, assign tasks in your calendar.

    5. Plan Ahead – Using the deadlines, make your plans ahead of time so that you can work through each thing that needs to be done before the webinar date. This planning will be useful to help you pull off the webinar without too much added stress. If everything is broken up into little pieces ahead of time, it’ll be much, much easier to get ready.

    6. Outline Your Webinar – You don’t need to put together the exact script of your webinar, but you should pull together a general outline of what you will say when. Practice walking through the content to see how long it takes you and test out the technology. If you are using slides, put those together and test them.

    7. Practice Your Sales Pitch. If you are going to offer your course for sale, be sure to practice what you will say to pitch your course. You want this to be a smooth transition from the education portion of your webinar into the offer, and not rushed.

    8. Get Started with the Content Right Away. Make sure you get into the meat of the webinar within the first five minutes. You don’t want to go on and on introducing yourself at the beginning. People will leave if you are not making it worth their time. In fact, my favorite webinar speakers have given away some juicy tidbits right at the beginning – and they didn’t even introduce themselves until later! That shows you are more interested in your listener than talking about yourself.

    With a little planning and practice, you can put together the perfect webinar to sell your courses.

    And to make that even easier, I have put together a checklist for you to help you get started. It will walk you through the decisions you need to make about your webinar.

    You can get your FREE copy of the Webinar Checklist right here.

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