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    7 Types of Emails Course Creators Should Be Sending

    “Put a dollar in and get $42 out.” That’s what the Direct Marketing Association said about email marketing in 2019. 

    As course creators, we need to focus our emails to impact our prospective students in a big way. We want to connect with our subscribers – and help them solve problems when they give us room in their inbox. 

    There are 7 different types of emails we should be sending, so use this checklist to see if you need to add any to your templates. 

    #1 – Welcome Emails for Your New Subscribers

    The average open rates for welcome emails is 82%, according to GetResponse, 2017. 

    This will definitely be one of your most popular emails so make sure you take some time to provide some solutions to your new subscriber. 

    Share your freebie and tell them what to expect from you. 

    #2 – Promotional Emails

    So most course creators are in business – and they need to make money to stay in business and serve their audience. So getting good at sending promotional emails that sell is essential. 

    You can do it in a non-sleazy way, especially if you also provide value and education in your other emails. I personally like to send at least one educational email (like this one) for every one or two promotional emails. 

    If there is a time-sensitive offer, then sometimes I’ll send an extra reminder or two.

    If you’re still nervous about sending promotions, nearly 49% of consumers said they would like to receive promotional emails from their favorite brands weekly. So I give you permission!

    #3 – Nurturing Emails

    Only 3% of the people who stumble across you are ready to buy at that exact moment. So what do you do about the other 97%?

    You offer them a really wonderful freebie that solves a smaller, intermediate problem. Then you use nurturing emails to let them get to know you and build their confidence that you can help. 

    Nurturing emails may include educational, how-to emails and even just “get to know you” emails. 

    #4 – New Student Emails 

    When someone signs up for your course, you want to have a series of emails to introduce them to your course:

    • A receipt email they can use with their accountant. 
    • A login email with their user ID and password to get to their course.
    • Release emails each time you release a new lesson. 
    • Motivational emails to keep them engaged and check in with their status
    • Reminder emails if you are doing any live training or Q&As

    #5 – Affiliate Emails

    If you have an affiliate program, you will have an entire set of emails just for your affiliates. In fact, the big launches often send daily emails to their affiliates sharing results and encouraging them to promote. 

    #6 – Special Offer and Flash Sales Emails

    Special Offer and Flash Sale emails can add a big boost to your bottom line. Why? Because you add either urgency or scarcity when you have an offer that is limited in number or limited in time. 

    While you can’t use these constantly, a strategically placed promotion can definitely reach new students. 

    #7 – Specialized Emails

    These individual emails target specific situations. For example:

    • Cart Abandoned emails are sent when someone starts to buy but doesn’t finish. 
    • Emails to segment your list into different interests. 
    • Reengagment emails in case your subscribers have quit opening your emails. 

    By using these seven different types of emails you can reach your prospects and convert them into new students. 

    And if it sounds like a lot of writing, don’t worry! Melissa Ingold has over 100 Done-For-You Templates already written here that you can purchase and use today. 

    Now Take Action

    Make It Super Easy to Stay in Touch and Promote Your Course with These 100 Templates

    Go here: https://coursecreatorshq.com/email-templates


    If you want to make it easy to create all these emails (and if you don’t like to write), Melissa Ingold has done all the work for you. 

    You get all 100 email templates in a Word docx so you can copy & paste them straight into your email autoresponder and edit for your business. 

    One more thing you can check off your to-do list!

    Here’s a list of all the email templates in this package:

    • “New Subscriber” Welcome Email Series (5 Emails)
    • Tap into the Emotional Triggers of your Leads Series (5 Emails)
    • Client and/or Lead Engagement Series (5 Emails)
    • New Customer Email Series (5 Emails)
    • List Segmentation Email Series (5 Emails)
    • Cold List Re-engagement Email Series (5 Emails)
    • “New Affiliate” Email Series (5 Emails)
    • Lead Conversion Email Series (5 Emails)
    • 5 “Special Offer” Emails
    • 9 Content Based Promotional Emails
    • 10 Day Product Awareness Email Series
    • 10 Promotional Emails
    • 26 Different Email Templates (abandoned cart, flash sale, social media, referral, FAQ, freebie giveaway, etc.)

    All for only $1.97 per email. Isn’t your time worth that much?

    Save time and grab your copy today!

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