
    5 Stellar Commercials from Super Bowl 54

    By Julie Hood

    “Did you see that commercial? Three brands in one??” was the text I sent to my son, David, on Sunday. 

    “Should be a Little Caesar’s one coming up that I really liked,” was his response.

    He’s an advertising copywriter, so we spend way too many conversations talking about good (and bad) ads and marketing. 

    And the Super Bowl ads are a treasure trove for us. 

    So I pulled out some of the course marketing lessons from Super Bowl 54 that you can use. 

    Commercial #1: Tide on Repeat

    Tide had a story all the way through the Super Bowl: “The best time to do your laundry is later.” 

    They asked their customers when they do laundry… and a common answer was “Later”.

    So Tide used this in their series of commercials throughout the entire Super Bowl. Here are the two important lessons you can use:

    • Repeat your marketing over and over so your prospects remember you. 
    • Connect with your prospects using their own words and the conversation in their minds.

    Commercials #2 and #3: Olay #MakeSpaceForWomen and Little Caesar’s Better than Sliced Bread

    I really wanted to love the Olay commercial. As a woman who studied math and computer science, I really wanted this commercial to work. 

    But it really didn’t. 

    There was way too much going on. There was Katie Couric, plus a bunch of women astronauts, plus a hashtag to tweet, plus a donation to women in STEM, plus selling Olay… and they lost me. 

    Little Caesar’s did better. They understood the idea of one message with their “Better Than Sliced Bread” commercial. They were talking about how their new delivery service is “better than sliced bread,” and they repeated it several times to make sure the message stuck. 

    Your lesson is to focus on ONE call to action.

    Instead of trying to throw everything into your marketing at once, pick one thing you want your prospect to do next and focus on that. 

    Commercial #4: Alexa’s What Was Life Like?

    Alexa’s commercial had us imagining what life was like before we had Alexa’s voice commands. 

    They took us on a journey through history with different scenarios about turning down the thermostat, playing music, getting the headlines, and several others. 

    Your lesson is to take your prospects on a journey to imagine what life would be like after they finish your course. Have them imagining the transformation with your stories and your messages. 

    Commercial #5: Jeep’s Groundhog Day with Bill Murray

    Jeep looked at the calendar and realized that the Super Bowl landed on Groundhog Day. 

    And they transformed their commercial into a story with Bill Murray stealing Puxatawney Phil. 

    Your lesson is to tie your marketing and your specials into the calendar. You want to get into the conversation in your prospects’ minds, and they are often thinking about the current holidays and events. 

    Which one of these lessons can you put into place today? I can’t wait to hear what you choose. 

    Now Take Action

    Join the One Funnel Away Challenge for a Funnel That Works!

    Save your spot here

    By far one of the best things I bought last year was the One Funnel Away Challenge.. it was full of some of the best training I’ve ever taken on how to find and reach your perfect student. 

    Not to mention that the goodie box you get is worth way more than the cost of the entire course. It will feel like Christmas when you open it. 

    The next 30 day challenge starts on February 10th so save your spot today and your goodies will arrive before it starts. 

    Even if you don’t use Clickfunnels, I would still jump on this training. It’s that good.

    Imagine having your funnel all set and ready to go for 2020. 

    You’ll be able to use all the Super Bowl lessons in your marketing and pull in your perfect students. 

    You’ll kick yourself if you miss it! 

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