So I’m back today with Part 2 of our discussion about how Facebook is making changes to its algorithm. (If you missed part 1, you can read that blog post here.)
Today let’s talk about Facebook’s brand-new, awesome feature called “See First.”
One of the most frustrating parts of using Facebook is that you can’t really control what you see in your News Feed. Sometimes Facebook gets it right, but how many times have you come across a post a week later and thought, “Why didn’t I see this in my News Feed sooner??”
Now you have some control.
Facebook is letting you select up to 30 people or pages that you want to “See First” in your news feed. (Note: this is not yet available for groups.)
I put together a video for you on exactly how to set this up on my brand-new page for Course Creators HQ.
Please like the page and set it to “See First.”
Why? Because I am going to be posting lots of items that won’t be in this email (especially links to tools, specials and resources I think you might want).
https://coursecreatorshq.com/facebook and view the pinned post.
You should do the same thing with your Facebook fans. Ask to be on their “See First” list. That way even if Facebook doesn’t show most business postings, your posts will be at the top of your fans’ news feeds.
Here is another lesson for you, from my experiences this week. (I want to make all the mistakes first so you don’t have to!)
Facebook is very particular about changing the name of your page. I wanted to rename my old page since I’m now focused on CourseCreatorsHQ.com. The old page had a more generic name of Julie Hood Online.
Nope, I couldn’t do it.
Facebook said I was changing the intention of the page too much, and that my old fans could be confused about the switch.
Oh well! Lesson learned and I’m starting from scratch (and hopefully it will save you from having the same problem.)
Now Take Action….
Go set up your own “See First” list of the top 30 people and pages you want to see. Here’s the link to learn how:
https://coursecreatorshq.com/facebook and view the pinned post on the page.
Here are a few more things you’ll find out when you visit.
- The most important place to link to your course/school in Facebook.
- A discussion of the top social media scheduling tools – and a special lifetime offer on Planable.
- Free training offered by Teachable.