Say Goodbye
to Wine-Guilt and
Hello to Dry January!

Curious about Dry January? Let me guide you through the month so that you have a partner on your journey. You are not alone!

🧡 Coach Ruby

Sign Up for the Dry January Challenge Here

Say Goodbye 
to Wine-Guilt &
Hello to Dry January!

Curious about Dry January? Let me guide you through the month so that you have a partner on your journey. You are not alone!

🧡 Coach Ruby

Sign Up Now

Can you relate to pouring one glass 🍷 while cooking dinner and then a second while eating and watching TV?

Before you realize it, you’re on autopilot and you might just drink 
until you pass out on the couch. 🛌 Then in the early hours of the morning, do you wake up, see empty bottles on the coffee table and not even remember drinking it all? 🤔

If you're here, it's likely because you are curious about your relationship with alcohol  – perhaps you are asking yourself if alcohol is holding you back from living to your full potential. 🌠

Guess what? In 30 days you can see how life goes from black & white to technicolor,  alcohol free. 🌈

I'm profoundly grateful that you've found your way here, and I wholeheartedly believe that what you're about to discover just might be the most significant turning point in your life. It was for me! 🧡


What's My Story?

Welcome to a life-changing journey with Ruby Williams, an Alcohol Freedom Certified Senior Coach 👩‍🏫 and the owner of Freedom Renegade Coaching. If you're ready to transform your relationship with alcohol, this page is a crucial read. 📖

Allow me to introduce myself and tell you about my story. 🌟

🧡 I'm Ruby, pleased to meet you!

 I am recognized for my work in helping individuals break free from alcohol's grasp and embark on a journey of health and happiness.

🧡 My expertise has been featured in various podcasts and publications, including Sonoma Health Magazine and Amazon’s best selling book, Overcoming Mediocrity: Epic Women.

🧡 I've been privileged to have enlightening conversations with remarkable individuals, sharing insights on alcohol freedom and holistic well-being.

🧡 I've dedicated my life to assisting countless individuals around the world in their pursuit of a healthier, happier existence and find freedom from alcohol, which often leads sleeping better, weight loss, looking younger, and feeling energized in the mornings. 🌅

If you're on this page, you're likely seeking that kind of guidance.

Maybe it's your first time seeking guidance to learn to control alcohol. Perhaps you've consumed a wealth of self-help material, attended workshops, and followed renowned mentors, yet still find yourself feeling lost and you are still drinking more than you intend. 😟

In fact, you might have read every self-help book, gone to AA, or attended other sobriety programs, and watched every TED talk under the sun, and yet... here you are. 🎯


✅ The good news is that you're here for a reason, and I believe I can help you discover what's been missing.


Through my years of coaching and support, I've identified three critical pillars for genuine progress and lasting transformation.

But before I reveal the "Formula," let me ask you a few questions:

🤔 Do you have goals related to your energy levels? Are you seeking to banish fatigue and feel better every day?

Guess what? Alcohol robs you of productivity and ambition.

🤔 Are there financial aspirations you're determined to achieve, whether it's for your family, loved ones, or to create meaningful experiences?

Alcohol steals your money.

🤔 Is emotional growth a priority for you? Do you want to shed the weight of the past, embrace forgiveness, and be more open to new experiences and relationships?

You guessed it! Alcohol actually robs you of true happiness, mental clarity, and is the thief of joy.

🤔 Is mental acuity essential in your life? Are you aware that being faster, sharper, and smarter can lead to increased effectiveness, success, and achievement?

Yes indeed... Alcohol robs you of memories and a clear head.

🤔 Are you looking to elevate yourself spiritually? Recognizing that self-understanding is the foundation of growth, are you ready to overcome limiting beliefs and embrace change?

Alcohol depletes your soul and leaves you feeling hopeless.

If you find yourself nodding along, saying, "Yes, Coach Ruby, this resonates with me," then this is an extraordinary opportunity for you to embark on this transformational journey. 

It all starts with a 30 Day Challenge 🗓️    and Experiment 👩‍🔬 to dip your toe in 

and to see what it’s like.
You won’t regret it!

Sign Up for the Dry January Challenge Here

First, the Three C's...

It's essential for you to understand that the missing piece in achieving your goals lies in what I call the "3 C's."

✅ Coaching & Curiosity
✅ Content & Consciousness
✅ Community & Compassion

 These three pillars are the cornerstones of personal growth.

  1. Coaching & Curiosity 

    A coach's role is to provide guidance, accountability to get you from where you are now to your goal.

    My expertise and understanding often surpass your own, offering you a blueprint and targeted action steps to set you on the right path.

    I ask questions that will help you reframe your beliefs and through curiosity make mind shifts around your drinking habit. I have been there and can relate to what you are going through. 🧡

  2. Content & Consciousness

    I will provide daily videos and journal prompts so that you can learn about alcohol in a new way.

    We start with awareness and mindful drinking in the pre-work, so that you can bring your behavior from the subconscious to the conscious.🧡  

  3. Community & Compassion

    If you aspire to change your life, changing your social circle can have a profound impact.

    Surrounding yourself with people who inspire and support you can make all the difference in your journey. We learn from each other on the coaching calls and form connections.

    You will no longer feel alone and ashamed because we will all be supporting each other. I have created a safe place for you to share. 🧡


⁉️ Now, ask yourself, which of these three pillars are you lacking?

Whether it's one, two, or all three, I'm excited to introduce you to a solution I've carefully crafted to empower as many people as possible. I've poured my heart into this program and it's called...🧡


Dry January: 30-Day Alcohol Free Challenge


Join my program and embark on a transformative journey with me. This 30-day challenge is designed to help you break free from the clutches of alcohol and discover a healthier, happier, and more vibrant you. 🤩

Imagine a life where alcohol no longer holds you back, where you have the support, guidance, and accountability to reclaim your well-being. 🌻

With my Dry January challenge, you can make this vision a reality.


Here's what awaits you inside the Alcohol-Free January Challenge! 🚀 

Let's take it one day at a time in the 30-day Alcohol Free Challenge and experience that Alcohol Freedom is a superpower. 🧡

Here's What You'll Get:

  • Daily Alcohol Free inspirational videos from Coach Ruby
  • Weekly Group Coaching Calls for support & connection
  • Hope - that you can finally get control of alcohol!
  • Self-Care Tips to get through cravings
  • Regularly $497... your price is only $197!
Sign Up for the Dry January Challenge Here

Let me share a heartfelt story from one of my clients from the 30 Day Alcohol Free Challenge. 🫂

Her journey reflects the incredible transformations we witness among our participants:


“One year ago people kept telling me how amazing life could be without wine. I could not imagine making it through a day much less a year.

The first month was tough but with your support and the information I started to really question could it be true? I have to say ABSOLUTELY YES!!!!

It’s not what I gave up, it's truly what I gained! I have mended my
relationship with my son and forgiven myself. I no longer take anything for my anxiety. I wake up early each morning to capture the sunrise. Sure I still have bad days but I know these are ok. I sit with the emotions and move on.

I can truly say I have found joy and happiness I never thought possible! I cannot wait to see what the next year brings! Thank you again. I would tell anyone questioning if this can work for them to get curious and give it a try
. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.” ~ S.R.

Her story is a testament to the power of the Alcohol-Free January Challenge and coaching and the supportive community that surrounds it. 🎉


With that glimpse into the life-changing potential of this challenge, are you ready to embrace the possibilities that await you? ✨


Join me on this transformative journey and unlock the door to a brighter, alcohol-free future. 🪩💃

Discover the power of sobriety and the joy of holistic well-being. Your health, happiness, and a vibrant life are within reach! 🧡

Are you in? Click to join now!

I can't wait to work with you during Dry January! 

With love and gratitude,
Coach Ruby

✅ PS - Are you ready to accept the challenge and change your life for the better? 🪜

Don't miss out on this opportunity to transform yourself in the company of like-minded individuals. 👯

Join the Alcohol-Free January Challenge today and take the first step towards a life of freedom, vitality, and renewed purpose. 🧡

Sign Up for the Dry January Challenge Here!