Discover How to Create a Persuasive

Sales Page That Has Students

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Use my templates and swipe files to create your sales page in no time flat...

Here's what we're talking about:

  • The exact step-by-step format to use when creating your sales letter
  • The 15 different pieces of the puzzle... and how they work together to grab your student's attention!
  • The biggest mistakes I see course creators making on their sales letters.
  • 3 of my favorite templates (for the page, the thank you page and the upsell page)
  • 5 of my best swipe files to help you with your headlines, power words, transitions, closings and calls to action.

Join us for the next LIVE session for sales page reviews and suggestions! Plus get instant access to the rest of the course and all the templates!

Regular Price: $497

Sales Page Creation Secrets Workshop

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